Magen David
Magen David
Rabbi Koskas
Rabbi Koskas

New Building
New Building
About Jack Terzi
Youth Program
Youth Program
Night Kollel
Night Kollel
Magen David of Surfside is your home away from home.
We give you the same prayers you have at home with a lovely atmosphere. Our kahal kadosh is a united group who are friendly and love and care for each other and one another. Walking into our synagogue and midrash is like walking into any shul in Brooklyn, New York; Deal, NJ or Buenos Aires, Argentina. We are a worldwide shul with a small town feel.
The History of Magen David Congregation
The congregation began around 1967 by Rabbi Isaac David Vine and his wife Molly after receiving a blessing from the Lubavitcher Rebbe to become the rav of a new bet knesset. The shteibel was located in the living room of the Rabbi's home where all Jews from any background came to pray including Ashkenaz, Litvish, Sephardic and Hasidic. In the 1970's Rabbi Vine passed away and his Rebetzin Molly Vine, took over. Eli Cohen, a local member and the baal koreh since age 14 helped to manage the synagogue and minyan and the shul become Sephardic.